NRSG-515-1: Race, Health, and US History - Spring 2021


Race, Health and US History



This course is an introduction to the historical factors which have created disparities in American health care systems particularly in regards to race. Students will analyze the ways that categories such as “race” and ethnicity have been constructed and utilized in health science, research and practice and evaluate the legacy of racist medical beliefs and practices. The course will help students situate the development of health and medicine in the broader social context of American society since slavery and emancipation, and will facilitate the development of historical research skills.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Evaluate the historical ways that disparities in American health care systems have developed.
  2. Analyze various theoretical approaches for understanding “race” as a category in health science and research.
  3. Create strategies for developing anti-racist and social justice approaches to health care.


Syllabus & Course Schedule  Ask Questions  Zoom Link


Each module of this course is self-contained and includes everything you need to complete the Module. The only exception to this are the required textbooks.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due